So there's this place inside all of us; somewhere deep, beyond our hearts. From this place, we watch the drama that is our lives unfold with unbearable compassion. If we could quiet our minds enough, and transcend our egos enough, we could see how it really is- The mindless quality of total involvement that comes only when the ego is quiet and there is no attachment.
Somewhere inside we all know there is a place which is totally fulfilling. Not a desperate flick of fulfillment. It is a state of fulfillment. You may be experiencing despair that you will never feel that. GOOD. Because through the despair comes surrender, and through that surrender you get closer to it. And what keeps you from that place that gives you that total feeling and experience and knowing of fulfillment is all of this posturing your thoughts. All your way of organizing your world. Your plans, your games, your exploring.
We're all on a limited trip that is full of fear of its end, trying to make its own eternity. You can come to understand the possibilities through direct experience, inference through intellect, and faith.
We've become so super-sophisticated in our evaluative mechanisms that we question everything we hear. And you feel especially paranoid if you are committed to an existing system with great attachment.
The message you communicate has noting to do with what you say. It has nothing to do with the look on your face. It's the vibrations that emanate from you. If your vibrations are paranoid, that is what is being perceived. And when you are around small children, animals, or very flipped out psychotics, they will know you immediately.
If you're in polarity, you are creating polar opposites. You can only protest effectively when you love the person whose ideas you are protesting against as much as you love yourself.
Love has to spring from within; and it is in no way amenable to any form of inner or outer force. Love and coercion can never go together. But though love cannot be forced on anyone, it can be awakened in him through love itself. Love is essentially self-communicative. Those who do not have it catch it from those who do. True love in unconquerable and irresistible, and it goes on gathering power and spreading itself, until eventually it transforms everyone whom it touches.
The only way out of polarity is to take the poles of every set of opposites and see the way in which they are one. If you can get to the place where you see the interrelatedness of everything, and you see the oneness in it all, then no longer are you attached to your polarized position.
This is all a very simple, methodical, mechanical set of steps. But they’re only available to those who can hear. Let those who have ears hear. Teach not those who do not want to know. The whole game is based on faith.
What you may not understand is the whole game you have been playing is also based on faith. You have had faith in the rational mind. We are living in a society which is a temple dedicated to the rational man. Even though the first commandment says, “I am the lord thy god. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Even though that has been said and even though we repeat it we still worship the rational mind and its products. We worship our own sense data. It’s only when we see the assumptions that we’ve already been functioning on that we can start to extricate ourselves.
You’ve got to go the rate you can go. You wake up at the rate you wake up. You master your desire at the rate you master your desire. The disequilibrium comes into harmony at the rate it comes into harmony. You can’t rip the skin off the snake. It must be molted.
My thinking mind is a perfect servant and a lousy master. I am watching he who speaks. I am watching they who listen. I am watching thinking. Thoughts are clouds. The entire process from this place inside is always calm. A place in which the flame never flickers. And as I learn to live in this eternally calm place it gets deeper and deeper and calmer and calmer and wiser and lighter and I am more love and I become more and more like the sun. Just the process of calming, centering, extricating myself from the drama.
Mind creates matter. The casual plane is the world of ideas that creates the universe. Right at the top of the casual plane is what we call the godhead. It’s the first place into the universe of form. It’s the first world of form. It’s the place where the mind that is God manifested into the universe. His thought manifested into all the lower levels of the casual plane, all the astral planes and the physical plane, and when you go back you go to that place where you become one with the godhead. You are God. You are the id ea that lies behind the universe. You are literally it. You’re not making believe. You are it.
The final place that the game leads to is where you live consciously in all of it. Which is nothing. You are eternal. You have finished perishing. There is no fear of death because there is no death. It’s just a transformation…an illusion. And yet, seeing all that, you still flow in harmony with the universe. You are beyond morality and yet your actions are totally moral.
The psychosis business is an interesting business. If you go through the door too fast and you’re not ready for it you’re bound hand and foot and thrown into outer darkness. You may land anywhere and lots of people end up in institutions. The reason they do is they went through the door with their ego and they don’t understand that you have to die to be born.
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