So I realized that this blog is fucking depressing! I'm not an unhappy person...I actually find much joy in the world, despite random moments of guilelessness. It's just that for me to understand the weirdness that is my mind, I find it helpful to get it out and then look at it and realize, "Wow! That's incredibly dumb!" So in an effort to provide some insight into who I really am, here is a list of 20 random things that make me happy! Most of them are silly, but just go with the flow.
1. Music- Ner..
2. The look people get on their faces when you say what you're really thinking and it's inappropriate.
3. The amazing wonder that is the Earth. I mean fuck, isn't it beautiful?!
4. The word fuck. I believe it to be the most versatile word in the English language. Plus it just rolls off the tongue so nicely, doesn't it?
5. Arizona canned tea. It's only $.99 and it's fucking delicious!!
6. I take great joy in the fact that I am basically a human dictionary/thesaurus. This trait most likely developed while I was in high school, because I literally read the dictionary and actually carried it around in my purse so I could read it at work, appointments, and even red lights.
7. I love making people laugh, but the weird thing about it is that I'm not a very funny person. But somehow people always think I'm hilarious and always laugh when I talk. I just say what I'm thinking...who knows. But laughter is great!
8. Seeing people who aren't afraid to be themselves makes me ecstatic! Humans should rejoice in difference, not beat it down!
9. Animals. I mean come on. I don't see how anyone could see an animal and not feel a little warm fuzzy grow inside their heart.
10. Pillows and blankets. I don't care what time of day or night it is. Curling into a ball with pillows and blankets is one of my greatest joys. Especially if there is someone awesome to curl up with!
11. Finding people in the world who seem to really understand me. It is rare and it is amazing! It takes P.I.C. to a whole other level...
12. Having friends who I can just sit with. We can either be talking each other's heads off or sitting in silence for hours. Doesn't matter. We can just exist, and that's enough.
13. Clouds. I can stare at them floating away all day long.
14. Stars. I can stare at them twinkling all night long.
15. Sketch books! I have way more of these than I should, and they are all filled with crazy pictures and writing that would probably frighten most people.
16. Signs from the universe! This doesn't happen often, but every once in a while the universe will send me a very distinct chain of signs pertaining to a current situation. It makes everything so much easier, for that moment at least.
17. Days when I manage not to look like Wolverine and Blair Witch's love child. Haha I crack myself up. But really, my hair is like a separate entity that just lives on my head and does whatever the hell it wants. So I cherish days when it cooperates.
18. Glitter. I don't know why, but sometimes I just need to have a little sparkle in my life.
19. Travel. Getting away from the broken down routine that is my life and seeing new things...couldn't ask for more.
20. Analogies. Comparing things that shouldn't even go together just to prove a point is amusing. My favorite recent analogy that I shared with someone was, "Why would you go to McDonalds for a salad? That's like going to a strip club just to ask for a hug..."
Okay, well I guess that's it for now.
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