I observed quite a bit today. I witnessed an elderly woman throw a temper tantrum in a chinese restaurant and throw her eggrolls on the floor. She looked like her lips ate Joan Rivers, and should probably refrain from any more cosmetic surgery. I witnessed a man, probably close to his 40s, buying Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1. This wouldn't have been so odd if he hadn't been balding, holding hands with his mother (he called the woman 'Mom', so she's either his mother or it's one of those weird sexual things), wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt, and if he hadn't pulled out a Pokemon wallet. I mean, Harry Potter and Pokemon are both cool by me. It's just odd, I think, for a 40 year old man to have both, especially considering these circumstances. Or not. Who the fuck am I to judge?
I also managed to befriend a wild turkey who was roaming in the woods. I clucked at her, and she clucked back, seeming to thank me for not murdering and then consuming her. I nodded in understanding, and she wandered away.
All in all I guess it wasn't a bad day.
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